Friday, June 24, 2005

Philosophical ramblings...the story continues

'I guess we all have stories to tell and Asafa is doing his bit. In short, we all can tell the story of Jamaica and ourselves ... if we have the will!'
- Janneth Mornan Green

Of course, even over here in Germany, away from the native earth which I have trod for over two decades, I could not help joining in the excitement of Asafa's outstanding, record-breaking performance. It tells the story of a people who are definitely world-class. I celebrated by spreading the news with a broad smile. My Jamaican flag had been pinned to the wall in my apartment weeks before the world-changing run.

For a very long time now I have been concerned with stories. I normally pride myself on being from an age where story books without pictures can turn out to be even more exciting that those in which someone helps out (or probably limits) your imagination. Now I watch television to give my brain a rest from all the work I do.

There is this old man who I pass most mornings and evenings as I go to and from the Institute. He is always sitting there looking around but always says hello when I pass. It seems as if he is a bit senile, but I am sure he has a story to tell, and an interesting one too. But since my German is not at that level yet, I cannot hear his story.

In academia there is a common trend for researchers to theorise about people's culture, trying to fit it into their own frameworks without trying to understand it from the native (there is that troublesome word) perspective. Ask the people! You might be surprised at how much they know/or don't know and how they view the thing.

I see my story as inextricably wrapped up with the story of my country. My story can't be going all that well if my country's isn't. There is a need for more of the positive stories to be written to swamp and counteract the sea of negatives which is threatening to engulf us. The question for everyone at this time must be "what is my story and how does it fit into the bigger picture?"

Philosophising over, I have had a very busy week (that is a cliche now). Plus I am getting ready to fly to Boston (U.S.A.) to attend a linguistics summer school. The work never ends.

The story will no doubt continue there....

PS: I am now understanding the value of Advent Fellowship, Youth Class, Shamrock, etc. - you are all missed!

More time
De Walk-bout Jamaican Bwoy

1 comment: said...

Joseph, u need to allow for comments from non blogger people. I'm sure alot of your friends without blogger accounts have things to say too.

That said, I'm out, best of luck.

p.s. what a way germany have u a philosophise hard. Mi soon hear seh u a write book. :)